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    Amalia De Castro

    Ako po si Amalia De Castro, una kong nakita si Sir Mike dahil sa naging libangan namin ng mister ko ang panonood sa YouTube naeenjoy namin at kahit na nasa malayong lugar ang live na pinapanooran namin parang lapit lang. Dahil sa pandemia sa Covid naging taong bahay lang talaga kmi at dahil sa ang… Read more “Amalia De Castro”

    Merry Jane Mosquite

    Hi Kuya Big Brother haha that’s the name I called you the first time I saw you and heard your golden voice on titser sky’s Livestream.  Titser sky told us to subscribe to your channel too kaya sinundan ka namin, your subscriber count that time was about a hundred pa haha, from then you introduced us your name. I won in your Livestream and instantly you sent me thru gcash haha… Read more “Merry Jane Mosquite”